BestBond EP759
Bonding Agent, Epoxy based, two components, high strength
High bonding to all surfaces with high humidity or water standing;
High permeability should be able to penetrate deep inside material;
High erosion resistance, chemical resistance, abrasion resistance;
Easy to apply by available tools such as brush, short roller, and pressure
sprayer; -
Non-toxic, friendly to the environment.
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BestBond EP759 is a water-based epoxy bonding agent, two components, used to bond the surface of natural stone, artificial stone, or old concrete with a surface coating of cement-based, cement-polymer, modified cement-epoxy for finishing
works, renewing surface flatness or moisture-proofing, water-proofing,...
BestBond EP759 is applied in special cases of moist areas, newly poured concrete (after 24 hours), or areas that can not be dry, moisture can not prevent effects such as the bottom, wall of basements, reservoirs, ditches, pools, the floor of an old factory, warehouse, garage, ....
- High bonding to all surfaces with high humidity or water standing;
- High permeability should be able to penetrate deep inside material;
- High erosion resistance, chemical resistance, abrasion resistance;
- Easy to apply by available tools such as brush, short roller, and pressure
sprayer; - Non-toxic, friendly to the environment.
5; 25 kg/set. |
Shelf life:
12 months from the date of manufacturing in unopened conditions. |
Supply form:
Viscosity liquid. |
Part A: Milky white liquid; Part B: Light yellow liquid Part A+B: Transparent amber after curing |
Density (25oC):
Part A: 1.10 ± 0.01 kg/liter; Part B: 1.04 ± 0.01 kg/liter; Part A+B: 1.05 ±0.01 kg/liter. |
Bonding strength:
≥ 1.5 N/mm2 (concrete failure).
0.25 kg/m2 for each layer (Depending on the surface conditions)
Application temperature:
Min.: + 15oC (Above dew point at least 5oC) |
Mechanical and chemical properties:
Improve bonding to the moisture surface material; |
Mixing ratio:
Part A : Part B = 1:4 (by weight)
Pot life:
Ambient temperature
+20oC | +25oC | +30oC | +30oC |
Pot life
360 min
300 min
240 min
180 min |
Interval time:
Ambient temperature
+20oC | +25oC | +30oC | +30oC |
Interval time between two layer: Minimum
90 min | 75 min |
60 min |
45 min |
180 min | 150 min |
120 min |
90 min |
Bonding system:
- In the case of strongly absorbing and friable surface: 0.20 ÷ 0.25 kg/m2
- In the case of compact and average roughness surface: 0.15 ÷ 0.20 kg/m2
- In the case of a smooth floated surface: Should be roughened surface and washed with fresh water.
Surface conditions
The surface should be met the minium strength (Compressive strength:
20 MPa, Tensile strength:
1.5 MPa)
The surface is flat, compact, and no contains free water, sweating areas should be dried by clean rags. Impurities, broken, dust, grease, and mold must be free.
Pour part A into part B, use a stirring with slow speed (300
400 rpm) to mix until homogenous mixture, leave the mixture about 05 minutes and mix again before applying.
Use a pressure sprayer, short roller, or a hard brush to apply a mixture of BestBond EP759 on whole the surface with rate as a requirement (depending on the surface conditions). Before applying the next material layer, should wait for the appearance of the layer becomes transparent status (but still wet).
- Note:
If the bonding layer of BestBond EP759 is dry (not sticky), must apply again new layer before applying further coatings to ensure the bonding strength between them.
- Do not use material that is out of application time.
Clean tools, and equipment with clean water and detergent before product hardening.
- Both components are harmless and nonflammable.
- Component B could make an allergy to sensitive skin if the contact in prolonging the time.
- PPEs must be worn during handling the product.
- In case of accidental contact to the eyes, nose, or mouth, ... wash with fresh water and seek medical advice immediately.