BestLatex R114

  New to old concrete bonding and water-proofing agent

  • Excellent bonding and adhesion. 
  • Minimize shrinkage of volume during curing process. 
  • Increase elasticity for sand and cement mortar.
  • Increase the maximum waterproofing capacity for surfaces that are frequently exposed to water.
  • Increase chemical corrosion resistance and abrasion resistance.
  • Stability in terms of chemical and physical properties. BestLatex R114 is an irreversible polymer emulsion, after application, BestLatex R114 develops a membrane-bonding network with silicate-derived surfaces when exposed to it so it is not converted to emulsion even under high alkalinity conditions.
  • Non-toxic when cured , so it could be applied for waterproofing mortar directly contact with domestic water.
  • Increase the intensity of the plaster.
  • Suitable for making mortars and patches where thin finishing layers are required.

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